Programming Resources

Programming Resources

A collection of programming resources. I deeply dislike a lot about our current programming environment (hah) - the attitudes, philosophies, various happenings, etc, are very uncomfortable to me. I have never programmed because I think it will (or should) make me a million dollars, or because I dream in code, or because I love doing daily programming challenges to prepare for interviews. I program because if I do not my head will explode. Programming is a deeply humiliating and personal experience for me, which is why I love it so much. With that said, the kind of things I find interesting programming-wise will reflect these opinions.

I have a separate page for homebrew resources, because in my mind they are different but related things. I also have a separate page for game design resources because they are actually different disciplines that happen to share some overlapping areas, especially at the implementation end. With that said I am a game developer so the kind of programming things I look into will probably be at least tangentially game design related.

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