After suffering throughout the morning due to queasiness and hunger, I then had to suffer through last-minute bugfixing in the afternoon. The issue, if you’re curious, ended up being a race condition introduced when I created the pause menu. It was a painfully simple solution.
Supporting the End-User Curation of Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graphs
What I gleaned from this one were interesting! I haven’t gone over the paper yet but research into Knowledge Graphs is very interesting, since it seems like a great way to use hypertextual systems to augment human ability. As somebody with memory issues so awful it’s almost concerning and difficulties organising my research and sources, the idea of using Knowledge Graphs in my own work is very appealing.
Hypermedia Controls
This presentation on hypermedia controls and their core functionality is very interesting - I have a lot to feel about it, but not a whole lot to say. The examples shown (HTMX and Hyperview) look useful, and the idea of such a major development making its way to the web is exciting.